How Friends and Family Can Help

LotsaMobileCalendarLotsa Helping Hands is a free Internet tool that makes it easier for you to care for your loved one.

With Lotsa Helping Hands you can create a private online message board to communicate with your loved one’s family and friends and keep them updated with the latest news. You can even post pictures!

In addition, to the message board feature, you can use the Lotsa Helping Hands tool to coordinate all those little tasks that need doing:

  • Bring dinner on Tuesday
  • Take Mom to the doctor on Friday
  • Mow the lawn on Saturday

When friends and family ask if there’s anything they can do to help, ask for their email address and add it to your volunteer list. Then, when a need arises, you email a request to the list. Those who are available to pitch in can go to your Lotsa Helping Hands calendar and sign up for that task or select another task of interest to them. No more embarrassing (and time-consuming!) phone calls asking for help. You give family and friends a chance to participate and show their love for the person you care for. Plus, you get some help and your loved one gets to feel the support of his or her circle of friends.

Even though you may be capable of doing everything yourself, your loved one will fare better if you pace yourself and allow others to help whenever possible. The fewer things on your “to do” list, the more time and energy you will have to provide the loving care only you can give.

Create an online community of support to help you help the person you care for.

Please Note: Mountain Area Premier Care Navigation dba Lisa Laney & Associates does not specifically endorse the activities of any organizations mentioned, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.